344 - New Phone Menu Option to Set the KEEP_CURRENT_CA Option (J-series)
Thanks for expanding on this in the comments, Tyler Preder. This was submitted to Avaya on 12/27/24.
Tyler Preder
This setting defaults to the "last used line." If you have mixed line appearances (primary call appearance, a bridged call appearance, and/or a shared call appearance), the line selected for your next outbound call will be the one used for the last call. For example, if the last call was answered on a bridged call appearance, that line will be selected for your next outbound call.
For groups with shared lines who want to use their own primary call appearance for outbound calls, they will either need to manually select the primary appearance or have an admin change it behind the scenes. This option should be user-selectable from the phone menu.
Chip Powell
Can you expand on the business case Tyler?