337 - Agent Greetings in Workplace should act like J100 desk phone
Sam Osheroff
Workplace CC for Windows supports the Agent Greetings feature. However, it works differently enough from how the J-series phones work that agents cannot move between "devices" and use the same greetings.
1) Workplace only supports UCaaS mode (SET AGTGREETINGSTAT 2), not agent mode (SET AGTGREETINGSTAT 1), for the greetings so the <ext>_CCdata.txt agent greeting config file is named for the station extension and not the agent.
2) When recording a greeting file, Workplace creates a WAV file with the name GREETING_<TIMESTAMP>.wav. The J-series uses <agentID>_<index>.wav. Using the more generic GREETING_<TIMESTAMP>.wav makes wav file management more difficult and increases the likelihood of naming conflict.
Submitted to Avaya 10/25/24
Rob Carmichael
Workplace manages the files it creates/deletes and so there is no possibility of a conflict. Are you talking about one person, with ones windows account and one PC who may login to multiple different agent IDs ? If so is this just a theoretical possibility or are you saying you have agents that actually do this for some reason?
If agents were to share a PC but not the Windows account then any files are created in the Windows profile and so would not conflict. If for some reason they are sharing windows accounts then there is the solution, just use different accounts per person.
Sam Osheroff
Rob Carmichael No.. This would be an agent that uses a desk phone while in the office, then WFH and uses Workplace. Their greeting settings and greeting WAVs aren't able to be shared between J-series and Workplace because the two product use different CCdata.txt file names. J-series supports <agentID>_CCdata.txt and Workplace only uses <ext>_CCdata.txt. WAV file names are different too, though that's less of an issue since the WAV file name is in the CCdata file.