330 - Assigned Template to the user
Chip Powell
Interesting. It seems like Templates in ACO are more like what we'd call a Class Of Service in CM, as in when you make a change to the COS on the system side, it affects everyone with that COS assignment, and of course you can see everyone's COS assignments. We use templates in CM just for the initial build of the phone, and then we can modify from there. Changes in templates in CM don't affect anyone except new users who are assigned those templates.
Just throwing this in for any CM admins who were as confused as I was about this!
Tim Eddinger
Chip Powell this is similar in a way Chip. The issue I have is that there is no detail on the templets, like how many users are assigned the template, creation date, etc. There had to be another template created to get a location assigned their fax number. This seems to me like a recipe for templet creep and make is unmanageable at some point. Happy to see this was submitted. :)
Submitted to Avaya - 9/27/24
Justin Daly
Would also be helpful to see WHO applied the template as well. :)
Rick Gibbons
Also, it would be helpful to be able to un-apply a template. Being able to see what template has been applied to a user would facilitate the removal of a template.