282 - Location Indicator
Per Avaya: This feature is available for Workplace users with the integration of a Presence Server. A Workplace user can enter any text like 'Working from Home/Remote Office', 'Out for Lunch' etc in this text box. Other Workplace users on any platform can search this user to check the status. Please see attached screen shot in which the product manager has set a note on Workplace for Windows and same note can be seen by a Workplace iOS user.
Avaya also notes that Teams, as a cloud platform, has presence services built-in. This is why on-premise Avaya applications need a presence server to achieve similar functionality.
Submitted to Avaya 2/8/2024 with the business case justifications that the submitters had sent the volunteer team via email.
Merged in a post:
285 - My Presence - WORKPLACE
Anna Maria DiFilippo
Is it possible to add more presence features, such as: WORK FROM HOME, WORK IN OFFICE on the Workplace application
Tom Lynn
Would user definable presence names make sense here?
Dave Larson
Tom Lynn: I would prefer to use an IP-based reference to tell if the user is in the office or working from home. So, if it is not in my environment Workplace will auto-update to Remote, but I wanted to start small and get the feature added before adding complexity to a feature that doesn't exist yet.
Tom Lynn
@ Dave Larson: If a worker is remote using SBC registration, SMGR will know this and perhaps Avaya can modify Workplace to raise an indicator if it can learn this from SMGR. We still have a community of users that log in using VPN, of which SMGR is not aware. I think what you're discussing is to use SMGR Locations to identify when a worker is remote? Avaya could add a remote worker flag when registration comes from an IP that matches such a location.
Dave Larson
Tom Lynn: That is what I am asking 1st simple version would just be a toggle that the user could change. 2nd more desired version would be that there is an IP filter in the user registration that could say if not in IP range change presence to a remote worker.
Tom Lynn
Dave Larson In my experience, users will forget without a compelling reason to remember, like "we won't let you register until you answer this question."