246 - Continue support of software-only or bring back KVM packages
Sam Osheroff
Ourselves and other customers run KVM (Nutanix) hypervisor stacks and have made investment in those platforms. Avaya discontinued the KVM deployment packages in Aura 10.x, in preference for software only.
Now I'm hearing software-only installations may go away as well. Please continue to offer those or bring back the KVM deployment packages. Support for vmWare only will drive away business.
The IAUG volunteer team has discussed this at length with Avaya. Happily, they now support software-only installations again! Please refer to this document, page 10, which mentions the availability of the software-only offer on exception basis. https://support.avaya.com/css/public/documents/101087608
This becomes even more critical with the proposed changes at VMWare. I hope to see an update on this.
Slade Besson
Submitted to Avaya 6/29/23