209 - Coverage Path Description
Mike Hall
Can you add a description field for the Coverage Path? This would help identify why the coverage path was created and would eliminate numerous coverage path entries simply because you now have a description of why the coverage path was created so that you are not creating coverage path that do the same thing..
Mike Hall
Excellent thank you for the follow up and follow through! I'm looking forward to the 10.2 upgrade.
Avaya Responses
This is delivered in 10.2 released on 18th December 2023.
Avaya Responses
in progress
Chip Powell
As a note, at Avaya Engage 2023, the IAUG booth on the Expo floor featured a Feature Request Tracker activation which allowed attendees to vote with tokens on three different requests selected by the FRT committee. We received 274 total votes, and there was a lot of visibility throughout the whole week highlighting the FRT. This request received 42 onsite "votes."
Avaya Responses
under review
Potential deployment for CY 2024.
Sam Osheroff
Note fields in CM would be great in general (thinking ARS analysis, route patterns, etc.).