182 - Workplace - allow non-admin install
The IAUG volunteer team has discussed this at length with Avaya. Avaya will provide documentation on the next Workplace release before the end of the year that describes the steps required to use Microsoft policies to push updates to non-admin users. We recognize that some customers have non-domain users that cannot receive updates this way, however, there are no current plans to change the installation programming for those cases, as registry changes are needed for various Workplace plugins. We will follow up once the documentation is released later this year.
Sam Osheroff
I've heard this is available via command line switches, though I've not seen that documented. It would be better if the app recognized the user is not an admin and prompted to install "for myself or everyone", similar to other apps. If the user selects "everyone" than admin permissions are needed, otherwise the installer should install in user mode.
Rob Carmichael
Sam Osheroff: Command line switches and group policy details are here. Domain admins can therefore push out updates that way, however i agree with your idea. Most companies issues one laptop per person and so having the option to install 'only for the current user' would allow the user to update when prompted by appcast/AADS.