136 - Add advance licensing for SBCs to all license options.
Avaya Responses
This is available in every tier of subscription licensing now.
Michael Lee
Advance licenses are included in OneCloud Subscription, so this should be closed.
When ASBCE was previously perpetual, we have introduced this tiered as every customer has different needs.
I agree that licensing should include encryption. If a company decides not to use that feature because that is up to them, but we should not have to add licensing to encrypt the traffic.
Slade Besson
FRT # 136
Rob Carmichael
My understanding is that most/all countries do not use encryption on SIP trunks, often for the purposes of lawful interception i assume. I believe many people deploy SBCs in different roles for administrative convenience and change control reasons, i.e. a Trunk only SBC that does not need encryption.
Tyler Preder
Rob Carmichael: I hear what you are saying, however, in the US more and more carriers are supporting TLS/SRTP.